In Tri Pack news this week:
MPak tried out her new trainer and liked it. Tracy finally got the pullup bar installed (with lots of help from Pete). A 30lb kettlebell and gymnastics rings were added to the gym. Pete ran the 9-Run-Run with a time of 1:45:09. Way to go Pete!
Swim #1: 200 swim/kick/pull/swim/kick/pull
Swim #2: 1200 continuous
Bike #1: 50 min spin
Bike #2: 25K or 1 hour spin
Run Int: warmup, 400m, 800m, 400m, cooldown
Run LSD: 8K
S&C #1: Strict Press, Pullups, Hollow Hold. For 12 mins: 1 dumbbell hurdle, 1 pushup, 2 hurdles, 2 pushups...
S&C #2: Back Squat. 5x5 T2B. For 6 mins, 30s ring rows/30s handstand or plank.