Swim #1:
- 600 Swim (every 5th 25 Kick)
- 3 sets of 200 @ 65-70% with :20 rest
Swim #2:
- 100 Swim - 100 Kick - 100 Pull - 100 Swim
- 10 x 100
Bike #1: 1:00 hr
Bike #2: 25K
Run LSD: 12K
Run Tempo: Warm up, 4x400, cool down
S&C #1: 5x5 Goblet Squat. Tabata pushups
S&C #2: Bench press. 5 rnds of: 20 situps, 12 switch lunges, 30 sec handstand
S&C #3: 10x 5 pullups